Asian Journal of Physics Vol. 30 Nos 8 & 9 (2021) 1317-1328

Towards development of novel optical techniques for the mapping of polarization signal of solar corona

Athira B S1, Sounak Mukherjee2, Dibyendu Nandy1,2 and Nirmalya Ghosh1,2


The measurement and analysis of the magnetic field of solar corona provide quantitative information on the coronal structure heating and dynamics, thereby helping our understanding of space weather. Here, we present two measurement techniques for uncovering the polarization information of the solar corona (i) Liquid crystal variable retarder based Stokes polarimeter, (ii) Geometric phase polarimeter which gives the information on space varying polarization with just one interferometric intensity measurement. Although the two techniques are developed as a proof-of-concept in the laboratory for the solar coronal magnetic field measurement, these can be used for any polarization measurement system such as to uncover the complex structure of different biological samples, understand the three-dimensional characteristics of the chemical bonds, for characterizing nanomaterials, and so on. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Polarization, Geometric phase, Magnetic field measurement.

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