Editor-in-Chief : V.K. Rastogi
Asian Journal of Physics | Vol. 30 Nos 10 & 11 (2021) 1465-1474 |
Design of finite impulse response filter for hologram demodulation in digital holographic microscopy
Pascal Picart and Silvio Montresor
This paper proposes a direct computation method for the diffraction order retrieval in digital holographic microscopy. The design of a finite impulse filter for pre-processing digital holograms through on-board FPGA calculator in CMOS cameras is discussed. Theory is presented and numerical computations are provided. Results show that the filter is able to provide reliable amplitude and phase reconstruction from a digital hologram. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved
Keywords: Digital holography, Holographic microscopy, Spatial filtering, Finite impulse response filter.
Peer Review Information
Method: Single- anonymous; Screened for Plagiarism? Yes
Buy this Article in Print © Anita Publications. All rights reserved
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