Editor-in-Chief : V.K. Rastogi
Asian Journal of Physics | Vol. 33, Nos 3 & 4 (2024) 219-238 |
Atmospheric turbulence and its optical manifestations
Victor Nosov, Vladimir Lukin, Eugene Nosov and Andrei Torgaev
V E Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, 1 Academician Zuev sq., Tomsk 634055, Russia
Dedicated to Professor Anna Consortini for her significant contributions and pioneering works in the field of atmospheric turbulence and her continuous commitment to promote optics at global level
The results of long-term experimental studies of coherent turbulence of the mountain boundary layer of the atmosphere using acoustic and optical methods are presented. The presence of regions of coherent (non-Kolmogorov) turbulence in the atmosphere over the territories of mountain observatories, in which a single large coherent structure has a significant influence, has been experimentally confirmed. In such regions of coherent turbulence, the attenuation of light fluctuations is registered. This leads to a significant reduction in the jitter of astronomical images and to an improvement in their quality. It is established that astronomical observations are accompanied by a frequent transition from Kolmogorov turbulence to coherent turbulence. This change in the type of turbulence gives intermittency in the jitter of astronomical images. This paper (which is of an overview nature) presents results of many years of experimental studies of the effect of intermittent turbulence performed in high- mountain Russian astronomical observatories. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Doi: 10.54955/AJP.33.3-4.2024.219-238
Keywords: Turbulence, Airflow; Coherent structure, Coherent turbulence; Dispersion.
Peer Review Information
Method: Single- anonymous; Screened for Plagiarism? Yes
Buy this Article in Print © Anita Publications. All rights reserve
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