Editor-in-Chief : V.K. Rastogi
Asian Journal of Physics | Vol. 28, No 1 (2019) 43-61 |
An approach to image security enhancement using asymmetric cryptosystem based on combination of Transforms using hybrid structured phase mask deploying single value decomposition
Poonam Lata Yadav1 and Hukum Singh2
1Department of Applied Sciences, Singhania University, Pacheri Beri-333 517 , Rajasthan. India
2Department of Applied Sciences, TheNorth Cap University, Gurgaon-122 117, India
To boost the safety of any cryptosystem and to safeguard it from any attackers, this paper offers a innovative asymmetric cryptosystem based on amalgamation of two different transforms namely Fourier (FT) and Fractional Hartley transform (FrHT). In this cryptosystem a new Hybrid Structured Phase Mask (HSPM) is used along with Random Phase Mask (RPM). HSPM is generated by merging Structured Phase Mask (SPM) and the Hybrid Mask (HM). The HSPM and RPM are used as the encoding keys in the asymmetric system and the decryption keys generated during encryption are reserved as the decoding keys. The usage of this new mask HSPM helps in enhancing key space as a result helps in overcoming problems related to axis alignment. Decoding is exactly the reverse of the encoding mode. The competence of the suggested mode includes analysis using Single Value Decomposition (SVD), histogram, entropy and correlation coefficient. To analyze the performance of our proposed system our recommended cryptosystem is open to occlusion attack and noise attack. The robustness of the recommended system is analyzed and verified using MATLAB R2014 ( The experimental consequences are delivered to focus the aptness and power of the proposed cryptosystem. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Fourier Transform, Fractional Hartley Transform, Asymmetric key algorithm, Hybrid Structured Phase Mask, Single Value Decomposition.
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