Editor-in-Chief : V.K. Rastogi
Asian Journal of Physics | Vol. 33, Nos 7 & 8 (2024) 443-449 |
Real-time holographic heterodyne spatial filtering
Wasupol Khotphuthon1, Suwan Plaipichit2, and Prathan Buranasiri
1Department of Physics, School of Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Chalongkrung Rd., Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, Thailand
2Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University Sukhumvit 23, Watthana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
Dedicated to Professor Nikolai Kukhtarev
This study demonstrates beam coupling in an imperfect photorefractive cerium-doped barium titanate crystal, whereas previous research has primarily focused on perfect photorefractive (PR) crystals. In our experiment, two-beam coupling was clearly observed at various incident angles in an imperfect Ce-doped BaTiO3 crystal, even when using a non-Gaussian beam from a 5 mW green light semiconductor laser. In contrast to our previous research, where perfect phase conjugate beams and anisotropic beam coupling were observed in a perfect crystal using perfect Gaussian beams from 300 mW gas lasers (He-Ne or Ar+ ion lasers), the current study yielded significant results with lower-power, non-ideal beams through our exploration, and we found that the larger beam coupling intensity was transferred in the direction of c-axis. These results suggest that by doping BaTiO3 with cerium, strong beam coupling or photorefractive grating can be observed with all incident writing angles on the crystal, which could be utilized in future flexible holographic devices. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Photorefractive, Ce-doped BaTiO3, Two-beam coupling, Holography.
Peer Review Information
Method: Single- anonymous; Screened for Plagiarism? Yes
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