Asian Journal of Physics Vol 31, Nos 3 – 6 (2022) 577-591

A brief review of free-space quantum key distribution experiments towards satellite QKD
S Mujumdar, V Bhat, and R Chatterjee
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai -400 005, India

In the modern era where connectivity is the heart of our civilization, secure communication acquires more importance than ever. Throughout human history people have been using various techniques of cryptography, whose security is essentially based on ‘computational complexity’. But with the recent advent of powerful computers and concepts like quantum computing, it’s just a matter of time before “classical” techniques are compromised. Quantum cryptography provides security based on laws of physics and hence are future proof. Over the last three decades, quantum cryptography has developed considerably both theoretically and experimentally. In this article, we briefly review selected experimental efforts in the progression of free-space quantum key distribution over the years and how it has reached the current technological pinnacle of satellite-based quantum communication. Finally, we end the article by listing the three demonstrations hitherto of free-space QKD in India. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Key Distribution.

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