Asian Journal of Physics Vol. 33, Nos 9 & 10 (2024) 657-664

Design and analysis of sheet beam electron gun and periodic cusped magnet focusing system for W-band applications

Subham Chowdhurya,b, Debasish Pala,b, Ayan Kumar Bandyopadhyaya,b and Anirban Beraa,b
aCSIR-CEERI, Pilani-333 031, Rajasthan, India
bAcademy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), CSIR-HRDG, Ghaziabad-201002, India
This paper is dedicated to Dr Shrinivas Joshi

Sheet beam electron gun is a crucial component of various vacuum electronic and plasma devices including compact terahertz (THz) and sub-terahertz (sub-THz) Traveling Wave Tubes (TWTs) and Extended Interaction Klystrons (EIKs). This paper introduces a planar sheet beam electron gun with Periodic Cusped Magnet (PCM) focusing, with its optimized geometrical parameters to deliver the desired current at operating voltage. Through a careful design and optimization, of a sheet electron beam with a cross-section of 1.68 mm0.2 mm and current of 50-mA at the beam voltage of 18.4 kV has been achieved. The transport of the generated sheet electron beam is ensured by a closed short periodic cusped magnetic system comprising miniature permanent magnets and pole pieces. Simulation results indicate that the PCM focusing ensures stable transport of generated sheet electron beam up to a distance of 50 mm from the cathode. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Doi: 10.54955/AJP.33.9-10.2024.657-664
Keywords: Sheet beam, Electron gun, Terahertz devices, Periodic Cusped Magnet (PCM) focusing.

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Method: Single- anonymous; Screened for Plagiarism? Yes
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