Asian Journal of Physics Vol. 33, Nos 9 & 10 (2024) 583-590

Dual mode sheet beam electron gun for a sub THz rectangular planar traveling wave tube amplifier

Ishita Srivastava*, Navya Sahu*, and G Naveen Babu#
*Department of Electrical Engineering, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, Greater Noida-203 207, India
2Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru-562 112, India

This paper is dedicated to Dr Shrinivas Joshi

Towards optimizing the sheet beam characteristics for travelling wave tube (TWT) applications, this study presents a novel flat rectangular sheet-beam electron gun model that operates in dual modes to accommodate both high and low beam currents. Versatility of a sheet-beam electron gun enables seamless transitions between continuous and pulsed modes of operation, offers greater flexibility in development and deployment of the TWT. A meticulous focus on geometry of the electron gun arrangement, guarantees an enhanced beam generation efficiency and accuracy. Furthermore, the electron beam trajectory was optimized by strategically deploying Periodic Permanent Magnets (PPM) and pole pieces, ensuring precise positioning within the TWT’s drift tunnel. Through comprehensive optimization, the proposed electron gun significantly enhances the performance and efficiency of sheet beam transmission in TWTs, promising advancements in high-frequency signal amplification and communication systems. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Doi: 10.54955/AJP.33.9-10.2024.583-589
Keywords: Sheet-beam, drift tunnel, Slow wave structure, High frequency amplification.

Peer Review Information
Method: Single- anonymous; Screened for Plagiarism? Yes
Buy this Article in Print © Anita Publications. All rights reserve


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