Asian Journal of Physics Vol. 30 Nos 10 & 11 (2021) 1493-1511

Instrumented indentation combined with optical techniques: challenges and achievements for residual stress and pile-up measurements
M R Viotti


This paper presents research activities developed during the last 10 years by the Labmetro and related to instrumented indentation for the measurement of residual stresses. The paper will describe a modular device based on digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) combined with indentation. The interferometric module has radial in-plane sensitivity to measure the whole displacement field generated by the shallow indentation print on the surface of the material under testing. Additionally, the paper will show the application for bending measurements in real pipes, being important for the integrity evaluation in oil and gas transmission pipelines. To achieve the stress evaluation, numerical and experimental approaches will also be presented.
The accurate determination of the contact area between an instrumented indenter and the material under testing is important for material property measurements. However, it is usually masked by the pile-up or sink-in phenomenon. The paper will also show other research line involving dual-wavelength image-plane digital holography in order to identify and quantify pile-up. Comparative measurements and the development of a portable device are also presented © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Instrumented indentation, Speckle interferometry, Digital holography, Residual stresses, Pile-up.

Peer Review Information
Method: Single- anonymous; Screened for Plagiarism? Yes
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