Asian Journal of Physics Vol 31, No 8 (2022) 863-870

Micro-laser line scanning for micro-scale surface texture analysis based on statistical moments of histogram

J Apolinar Muñoz Rodríguez
Centro de Investigaciones en Optica A. C. Apartado Postal 1- 948, León, GTO, 37150, México

This article is dedicated to Professor Cesar Sciammarella

A technique to perform micro-scale surface texture analysis via micro laser line projection is presented. The surface texture analysis is carried out through the statistical moments of a surface histogram. These surface descriptors are extracted from the surface topography, which is contoured via optical microscope system based on micro laser line scanning. The topography dimension is computed via perspective model and the laser line coordinates. Thus, the statistical descriptors are computed through the surface topography to accomplish the texture analysis. The contribution of the proposed technique is elucidated based on the texture analysis via gray-level intensity. Thus, the capability of the surface texture analysis via micro laser line scanning is corroborated via descriptors accuracy. The proposed technique performs micro-scale surface analysis of metallic surface.. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Micro-scale surface Texture, Texture descriptors, Micro laser line.

Peer Review Information
Method: Single- anonymous; Screened for Plagiarism? Yes
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