Asian Journal of Physics  Vol. 31 No 2, 2022, 177-193

My career path in the field of Raman spectroscopy and microscopy
Fran Adar


I have worked in the field of Raman spectroscopy since the 1960’s, starting in Professor Eli Burstein’s semiconductor group, and then post-doc’ing in Professor Britten Chance’s Biophysics Department at UPENN. In 1978 I started with Instruments SA/Jobin Yvon who had recently introduced the Raman microscope designed in Lille, France by Professors Michel Delhaye, Paul Dhamelincourt and Edouard DaSilva. This instrument was conceived as an instrument for providing chemical information with 1μm spatial resolution, and with my background in physics I was able to expand its applications into materials science. That is, I recognized that spectra taken with 1μm spatial resolution can provide valuable information on crystalline forms of a material as well as their chemical forms which has use in elucidating function. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, Raman microscopy, Microscopic materials analysis

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