Asian Journal of Physics  Vol. 31 No 2, 2022, 241-257

The role of Raman spectroscopy in food and beverage analysis
Karen Esmonde-White and Mary Lewis


Demands on food and beverage (F&B) production and innovative food products have brought unprecedented challenges to the food and beverage industry. To address these demands, the industry has adopted increasingly scientific approaches to growing food, as well as in food processing and storage. Automation and a scientific risk-based approach to analysis called Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) are being adopted by the food industry to support an increasing number of complex foods being produced. Raman spectroscopy is a composition measurement tool that can be used in the laboratory or process environments. In this paper, we review the literature in Raman spectroscopy of food manufacturing, safety, and understanding. We also describe our feasibility studies in using of dispersive Raman spectroscopy at 1000nm to measure the quality of salmon to highlight the capabilities of Raman in solids measurements. Extension of PAT principles to the F&B industry can provide new avenues to ensure consistent product quality, support innovative manufacturing approaches, enable real-time product release, and support sustainability goals. Raman is an established PAT for laboratory and process monitoring uses within the chemical and life sciences industries and is being adoptedmore by the food industry. We provide a perspective on future directions with enthusiasm toward increased adoption of the PAT and Raman spectroscopy in F&B. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, Food, Process Raman, Salmon, Protein, Fats.

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