Editor-in-Chief : V.K. Rastogi
Asian Journal of Physics | Vol 31, Nos 3 – 6 (2022) 635-647 |
Ultrashort femtosecond pulse laser for directed energy system applications: An analysis
S Veerabuthiran* and Jagannath Nayak
Center for High Energy Systems and Sciences (CHESS), DRDO
Hyderabad-500 069, India
Dedicated to Professor Bishnu P Pal for his enormous contributions to the advancement of research and education in science and technology through his unique vision and outstanding dedication
High intensity pulse laser finds the wide applications in the scientific studies and industrial sectors. In recent years, ultrashort pulse laser (USPL) system found application in directed energy systems. USPLs have high peak power in the order of terawatt (TW) due to their short pulse duration (femtosecond) with low pulse energy. Short duration laser pulses are capable of generating intense electric fields and plasmas through laser filamentation when they interact with targeted materials. In general, a single laser filament has diameter of about 100 µm, which results pulse intensity of the order of TW/cm2. Plasma channel created in this process keeps the beam focused over a longer distances. Due to this property, USPL has capability to travel in adverse weather, high turbulence atmospheric conditions, etc. Since the peak intensity of ultrashort laser pulses at target is billion times greater compared to continuous wave (CW) laser, it can destroy the sensors and electronics using single shot pulse. Hence, laser directed energy system made of ultrashort pulse laser is very useful to counter fast moving aerial targets. It can vaporize the outer casing of an aerial target, rather than melting/burning as compared to kilowatt (kW) class CW laser direct energy systems (DES). This paper discusses the technical aspects of ultrashort pulse laser, their nonlinear propagation characteristics, the basic configuration of pulse laser DES, and material damage using the femtosecond laser. Theoretical calculations were carried out using the given system specifications to estimate the distance at which laser filaments generate. It was found that laser DES with 2 TW power is able to generate laser filaments even beyond 10 km. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Keywords: USPL, DES, Laser filaments.
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Method: Single- anonymous; Screened for Plagiarism? Yes
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