Editor-in-Chief : V.K. Rastogi

An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal
Frequency : Monthly,
ISSN : 0971 – 3093
Editor-In-Chief (Hon.) :
Dr. V.K. Rastogi
e-mail:[email protected]
[email protected]
AJP | ISSN : 0971 – 3093 Vol 1 9, No. 4 , October-December, 2011 |
Vol. 19, No. 4
(2010) 303-314
knowledge on low-latitude mesospheric thermal structure
M Venkat Ratnam1 ,
P Kishore2 , A K Patra1 and B V Krishna Murthy 3
Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Gadanki, Tirupati-517 502, India
of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA
3 B1, CEEBROS, 47/20, III Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai,
In the present manuscript, we report
the current knowledge on low-latitude mesospheric thermal structure based on
long-term (2002-2009) temperature records obtained from SABER/TIMED
observations. We also compare them with the ground based lidar and rocket
observations wherever necessary. Mean stratopause (mesopause) altitude and
temperature are observed to be 48.7 ± 0.7 km (96.2 ± 0.6 km) and 265.8 ± 2.6 K
(165.1 ± 1.9 K), respectively, over tropical latitudes (20°N and 20°S). This
reveals that, in general, mesosphere extends up to ~100 km, in contrast to the
usual belief that mesopause is located at ~85 km. There exists a mesospheric
temperature inversion (MTI) between 70 and 75 km with its occurrence probability
being 60%. These MTI shows strong semi-annual oscillation in its occurrence with
peak around equinoxes. Further, a secondary minimum in temperature is observed
in between 75 and 80 km with semi-annual variation again peaking around
equinoxes. No significant seasonal variation is observed in the mesopause
altitude in the tropical regions. This feature is quite different from that
reported over mid- and polar latitudes, where two-level mesopause structure is
noticed, which is season dependent. The secondary minimum is smeared out in the
long-term averaging revealing that it is due to transient effects of waves.
Mesosphere extending up to ~100 km implies that mixing of neutral constituents
may extend up to that height. This demands full-fledged investigations on the
physical parameters such as the collision frequency and diffusion coefficient,
and the altitude of the turbopause. Finally, long-term monthly mean temperature
values are presented, which provide a reference temperature for tropical
Keywords: Mesosphere,
temperature structure, stratopause and mesopause.
Total Refs : 29
Vol. 19, No. 4 (2010) 315-320
simultaneous lidar observations of upper mesospheric inversion layers and
sporadic sodium layers over Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E)
S Sridharan 1 *,
K Ramesh2 , S Sathishkumar3 , S Gurubaran3 , K
Raghunath1 ,
Y Bhavani Kumar1,
and S Vijaya Bhaskara Rao2
Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Gadanki-517 112, India
Venkateswara University, Tirupati-517 502, India
3Equatorial Geophysical Research Laboratory, Indian Institute of
Geomagnetism, Tirunelveli-627 011, India
The lower power (11 W) laser source
of the Indo-Japanese lidar system at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) has been replaced
by the one with higher power (30 W) during mid-January 2007. As the power of the
laser is increased, the molecular scatter signal is also increased. The top
height from which the temperature was derived is increased from 90 km to 105 km.
The time-altitude cross section of upper mesospheric temperature presented for
four nights (20-23 January 2007) show that the upper mesospheric inversion
layers (MIL) are present in all the nights and they are strongly influenced by
gravity waves, tides and planetary waves. The nightly variation in the amplitude
of inversion is modulated by gravity waves of period 2-2.5 h. The MILs are
observed to descend at the rate of ~1 km/h indicating the influence of diurnal
tides. The clear downward descending structure of MIL is observed only for 20
and 22 January 2007 and is not observed for 21 and 23 January 2007. The day-to
day variability of the structure of MIL event is explained as due to the
presence of strong 2-day wave activity, which could modulate the diurnal tide.
The peak in sodium (Na) density occurs at slight lower height, at which
temperature shows maxima. The vertical structure of Na density and temperature
appear to be modulated by waves of similar vertical scale. The nightly mean
zonal and meridional winds over Tirunelveli (8.7°N, 77.8°E) show strong shear
above the inversion layer.
Total Refs : 11
Vol. 19, No. 4 (2010) 321-328
period mesospheric wave measurements by optical means over Gadanki
(13.5o N,
79.2o E) during May 2009
Alok Taori1 ,
V Kamalakar2 and S V B Rao2
Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Gadanki-517 112, India,
2Department of Physics, S V University, Tirupati- 517 502, India
We report first mesospheric
measurements of short-period gravity wave signatures in temperature data deduced
from OH and O2 airglow emissions from Gadanki (13.5° N, 79.2° E). The
mesospheric OH and O2 temperature estimates, which represents ~ 85 and 94 km
altitude regions, respectively, are in good agreement with the overhead SABER
measured temperature values onboard the TIMED satellite. The data show that both
the nights were dominated by upward propagation of waves. The wavelet analysis
reveals the dominant wave periods to be ~ 0.3-2 hr in both OH and O2 data for
both the nights with 3-5 K amplitudes.
Total Refs : 11
Vol. 19, No. 4 (2010) 329-348
studies of Mesosphere-the D region ionosphere and magnetosphere at low latitudes
Rajesh Singh1 ,
B Veenadhari2 , Abhay K Singh3 and P Pant4
Geomagnetic Research Laboratory, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Chamanganj,
Jhusi, Allahabad – 221 505
Institute of Geomagnetism, New Panvel, Navi Mumbai – 410 218, India
Department, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi – 221 005
4Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational
Sciences, Manora Peak, Nainital – 263129, India
ELF/VLF electromagnetic waves have
their origin in natural/artificial sources and because of being reflected from
lower boundary of the ionosphere finds its application as a diagnostic tool in
the studies of the D-region ionosphere, which is the part of the mesosphere.
Also on the other hand some of the radiated energy leaks through the ionosphere
and propagates through the magnetosphere along the geomagnetic field lines in
whistler-mode and are used in the studies of magnetosphere during various
geophysical conditions. This paper is the brief review of the ELF/VLF waves as
subject, its probing potentiality and studies carried out in Indian low latitude
region over the past four decades. Also the latest addition of VLF experiment in
India and its usefulness is discussed in detail.
Total Refs : 67
Vol. 19, No. 4 (2010) 349-365
Mesospheric turbulence over low latitudes from in-situ measurements
H S S Sinha and H
Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad -380 009, INDIA
Neutral turbulence is an important
phenomenon that significantly controls the energy and momentum budget of the
lower atmosphere. Turbulence parameters in mesosphere and lower thermosphere
have been determined primarily from the fluctuations in the electron/ion density
measured by rocket-borne in-situ measurements or from the ground based radar
measurements. In mesosphere the fluctuations in neutral constituents are
transferred to ions and electrons because of the large collision frequency
between them. The fluctuations in electron density also give rise to
fluctuations in the radio refractive index that is responsible for the coherent
radar backscatter provided there are plasma density fluctuations with scale size
one half of the radar wavelength. The paper reviews the different methods of
estimating the turbulence parameters at low latitudes especially from the Indian
region with an emphasis on in situ measurements.
Total Refs : 30
Vol. 19, No. 4 (2010) 367-373
wave modulations in ionospheric TEC over Gadanki during low solar activity epoch of 2008-09: First results
N Dashora
National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Gadanki-517 112, India
The first evidence of signature of
planetary waves in ionospheric total electron content (TEC) over Gadanki (low
latitude Indian zone) has been reported. The variations in TEC, estimated using
dual frequency GPS receiver at Gadanki, for the period from October 2008 to
March 2009, have been analyzed using Lomb-Scargle periodogram. The concerned
period falls under the recent lowest solar activity epoch and covers two equinox
and one winter season in Indian zone. The analysis reveals multi-period
modulation of vertical ionospheric TEC wherein the largest amplitudes have been
found for quasi 36-38, 15-16 and 9-10 day planetary waves respectively, apart
from other less significant smaller scale waves (3, 6, 8, and quasi -16 hours),
over and above the diurnal (24 hour), semi-diurnal (12 hour) and solar rotation
related (27 day) ionospheric TEC variations.
Total Refs : 23
Vol. 19, No. 4 (2010) 375-396
atmospheric temperature investigations over a sub-tropical location using
Rayleigh lidar
Som Sharma1 ,
H Chandra1 , S Lal1 , Y B Acharya1 and A
& Atmospheric Sciences Division, Physical Research Laboratory
009, India
2National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Gadanki-517502, India
Middle atmosphere is an important
region of Earth’s atmosphere and its temperature structure is unique, and having
imprints of various atmospheric processes. A powerful Nd-YAG laser based
Rayleigh Lidar was set up at Gurushikhar, Mt. Abu (24.5o N, 72.7o E, height ASL
1.7 km) by the Physical Research Laboratory to study the middle atmospheric
temperature structure in the altitude region of 30-75 km. Temperature profiles
are derived from relative density measurements. Measurements were made for about
5-10 nights, depending on local weather condition, of each month around new moon
except the monsoon season (June-August). Temperature profiles obtained during
1997 to November 2001 are used to derive average temperature profile for each
month (September to May). Lidar observed temperatures are compared with
temperatures observed by Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE), on-board Upper
Atmospheric Research Satellite (UARS), the CIRA-86 and MSISE-90 Model
temperatures. Observed temperature profiles are in qualitative agreement with
CIRA-86 and MSISE-90 model below 50 km, and the agreement is better during
winter months. Quantitatively there are significant differences noted, up to 10
K, above 50 km. The temperature profiles are also compared with the equatorial
model for the Indian region. Significant day to day variability is found, which
is as high as ± 10 K at ~70 km. The mean values of the stratopause height and
temperature are found to be 48 km and 271 K, respectively. Seasonal
variation shows equinoctial and summer maxima below 55 km, whereas above 70 km
winter maximum with equinoctial minima are present. Temperatures are also
compared with the observed temperatures over other low and sub-tropical
locations in the northern and southern hemisphere.
Total Refs : 51
Vol. 19, No. 4 (2010) 397-406
Signatures of sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) during 2005-2006 and 2008-2009
winters in the northern hemisphere stratosphere and lower mesosphere
S Sathishkumar
and S Gurubaran
Geophysical Research Laboratory, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism
Krishnapuram,Tirunelveli 627 011, India
This work presents some results on
the response of the stratosphere and lower mesosphere to the major stratospheric
warming (SSW) that occurred during the winters of 2005-2006 and 2008-2009. The
vertical and latitudinal structure and dynamics of the SSW events were examined
for the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere and lower mesosphere by using the UKMO
(UK Meteorological Office) and ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
Forecasts) data sets. The zonal mean zonal winds at 60oN revealed the
characteristic reversal to westward direction associated with SSW in the entire
stratosphere and lower mesosphere. A comparative study was made with long
lasting SSWs during January 2006 and January 2009 and it is reported here that
the SSW during January 2009 was a polar vortex split event as against the
polar vortex displacement event observed during January 2006.
Total Refs : 24
Vol. 19, No. 4 (2010) 407-414
Multi-pattern nocturnal variation in the mesospheric OH and O2 emissions
A Guharay1 ,
M J Taylor2 and R Sekar 3
Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, India
for Atmospheric and Space Sciences, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA
3Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, India
A set of measurements obtained from
mesospheric OH and O2 emissions from a low latitude station, Maui (20.8°N,
156.2oW) are utilized to report unusual mesospheric variability in the nocturnal
pattern, where five cases are exclusively elucidated from the database during
2001-2003. Our results not only describe most common wave features as noted in
the several existing literatures, but also several other uncommon patterns are
revealed. Overall, the results can be categorized under five classes, i.e.
evident phase propagation, no evident phase propagation, anti-phase variation,
uni-active and duo-active variations. The probable causes of such variability
are also explained.
Total Refs :12
Vol. 19, No. 4 (2010) 415-422
Study of
mesospheric temperature inversions over Mt. Abu
H Chandra, Som
Sharma, S Lal and Y B Acharya
Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380 009
Characteristics of Mesospheric
Temperature Inversions (MTI) are studied using about 150 nights of temperature
profiles obtained from the Rayleigh lidar data collected over Mt. Abu during
1997-2001. The magnitude of MTI is ranging between 9K and 36 K with most
probable value of about 14 K. The occurrence frequency of MTI over Mt. Abu shows
prominent seasonal variation with maximum during winter months, which is in
contrast to that observed over a low latitude location Gadanki with maximum
occurrence during equinoxes. Average height of occurrence of MTI over Mt. Abu is
found lower than over a low latitude location Gadanki. Gravity wave breaking is
considered as the major cause for the MTI. However, role of mesospheric ozone
and chemical heating can not be ruled out in producing MTI’s of larger
Total Refs : 27
Vol. 19, No. 4
(2010) 423-434
Characteristics of gravity waves and associated momentum flux using Indian MST
radar at Gadanki (13.2°N, 79.2°E)
N Y Pandya, H P
Joshi and K N Iyer
Department of Physics, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360 005, India
Atmospheric Gravity waves have been a
subject of intense research activity in recent years because of their myriad
effects and their major contributions to atmospheric circulation, structure and
variability. The Indian MST radar at Gadanki (13.2oN, 79.2oE) provides excellent
opportunity to study gravity waves and their momentum flux with high time and
height resolution particularly in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere. Study
of gravity waves was made from MST radar campaigns during the years 2001 to
2005. Results indicate that the values of variance and momentum flux increase
with height and reach a maximum at around 14 to 17 km. The power spectra also
show that the power density increases with height and reaches maximum around 14
to 17 km. This clearly shows that sources of the gravity waves are located in
the troposphere and that waves propagate upward. The strong gravity wave
activity observed in the month of August may be attributed to the convective
activity. The variance has been observed to be maximum in the monsoon season at
height about 14 to 17 km and very less in the post monsoon season. No activity
has been observed during October. From the power spectral analysis maximum power
spectral density is observed during all the seasons at altitude of ~ 14 to18 km
and the dominant period of wave has been observed to be between 20 to 30
minutes. Vertical wavelength is inferred from the hodograph analysis to be ~5 to
6 km with upward energy propagation. The maximum momentum fluxes are observed
during August; the magnitude of the zonal and meridional momentum flux lie
between 1.4 m2s–2 and -0.9 m2s–2 and 0.3 and -0.3 m2s–2 respectively and minimum
momentum flux during October. The magnitude of both the zonal and meridional
momentum flux varies from 0.05 to -0.05 m2 s–2 and from 0.03 to –0.03 m2s–2
Key words: Gravity
waves, Momentum flux, Variance, Power spectra, Vertical wavelength
Total Refs : 29
Vol. 19, No. 4 (2010) 435-442
A brief
review of neutral atmosphere-ionosphere coupling over the dip equator
T K Pant, C
Vineeth and M M Hossain
Space Physics Laboratory, Vikram Sarabhai Space Center,
Trivandrum-695022, India
This paper
presents the importance of various coupling processes in controlling the
day-to-day variability of the equatorial upper atmosphere. It has been found
that both the vertical and lateral coupling processes play significant roles
in modulating the large-scale processes in the equatorial ionosphere. For
example, the gravity waves of lower atmospheric origin have a crucial role
in generating the Counter Electrojet events through vertical coupling.
Similarly, during the winter months, planetary waves of certain
periodicities have a decisive role in modulating the day-to-day variability
of different parameters of the E and F-region of the equatorial ionosphere.
In addition to these, the transient event like the polar stratospheric
sudden warming also has an imperative role in producing the variability in
the equatorial upper atmosphere. The present paper briefly reviews the role
and nature of these coupling processes and their manifestations in context
of the large scale electrodynamical features prevalent over dip equatorial
upper atmosphere.
Total Refs : 21
Vol. 19, No. 4 (2010) 443-456
A Review
on the Na Airglow Mechanism using Simultaneous Na Airglow
and Na Lidar Measurements over India
R Sekar, S
Sarkhel, and D Chakrabarty
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad-380 009, India
IIn order to evaluate the dependence
of mesospheric sodium (Na) airglow intensity on neutral Na atoms, a narrow band
Na airglow photometer was operated in conjunction with the Na lidar from Gadanki
(13.5o N, 79.2oE), India for a few nights during March, 2007. The altitude
profiles of mesospheric ozone, temperature and pressure available for the
near-by locations during the local post midnight hours are obtained from SABER
instrument onboard TIMED satellite and used in the present investigation. It is
found that variation in the average Na airglow emission intensity level from one
night to another is not in accordance with the variation in the Na atom
concentration. On another night, the correlation coefficient between the Na
airglow intensity variation and Na atoms is not found significant at the peak
altitude of Na concentration. Volume emission rate calculations suggest that the
Chapman mechanism for Na airglow emission is inadequate to explain the
above-mentioned observations. The importance of the modified Chapman mechanism
proposed by Slanger et al. [1], where the average Na airglow intensity level
depends critically on the ambient molecules, is brought out based on the above
observations. In addition to the active role played by collisional quenching in
determining the night-to-night variability of average Na airglow intensity
level, altitude dependence of collisional quenching is indicated to play a vital
role in determining Na airglow intensity variation on a given night.
Total Ref : 26
Vol. 19, No. 4 (2010) 457-474
Characteristics of winds in the equatorial MLT region-A Review
Ramkumar, Veena Suresh Babu and K V Subrahmanyam
Space Physics
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Trivandrum-695 022, India
This paper presents a detailed review
of observational studies conducted in the Mesospheric Lower Thermospheric (MLT)
Region over an equatorial station Thumba. The equatorial region being
significantly different from mid and high latitudes, the studies on dynamics of
this region especially that of mesospheric lower thermospheric region are very
crucial in the dynamical coupling processes from lower atmospheric region and
those related to space weather studies. Studies on the various scales of
atmospheric oscillations like gravity waves, planetary waves, tidal
oscillations, Annual, Semi-annual and Quasi-biennial oscillations making use of
wind measurements in the MLT region by means of rocket flights and ground based
radars for more than three decades are presented along with interaction between
waves and wave-mean flow interaction.
Total Ref : 80