Editor-in-Chief : V.K. Rastogi

An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal
Frequency : Monthly,
ISSN : 0971 – 3093
Editor-In-Chief (Hon.) :
Dr. V.K. Rastogi
e-mail:[email protected]
[email protected]
AJP | ISSN : 0971 – 3093 Vol 1 9, No. 2 & 3 , April-September, 2010 |
Journal of Physics
Vol 1 9, No. 2 & 3 , April-September, 2010
Special issue on Physical Deposition of Thin Films and Nanostructures
Edited By
S K Gupta
Shashwati Sen
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 &
3 (2010) 109-124
x-ray multilayer by ion beam sputtering process
A Biswas*, D
Bhattacharyya and N K Sahoo
Applied Spectroscopy Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai – 400 085, India
An Ion Beam Sputtering system, which
uses a commercial ECR microwave based plasma ion source, has been fabricated
indigenously for deposition of W/Si soft X-ray multilayer devices. Initially, W,
Si single layer thin films and W/Si/W tri-layer samples have been deposited on
c-Si substrates at different Ar+ ion energies. The films have been characterized
by specular and diffused Grazing Incidence X-ray Reflectivity (GIXR) and
Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (SE) techniques to find out thickness and roughness
of the individual layers for the single layer samples and interface roughness
and interface diffusion for the tri-layer samples. Finally with the optimized
ion energy, several W/Si multilayer devices upto 25-layer have been fabricated
for application in soft X-ray wavelength < 150 Å and for 30º grazing angle of
incidence and have been characterised.
Keywords: IBS,
Total Refs : 42
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 (2010) 125-140
properties and microstructure evolution in electron beam co-deposited composite
hafnia-silica thin films
N K Sahoo, N M
Kamble, R B Tokas, S Thakur and A Biswas
Spectroscopy Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Trombay, Mumbai 400 085, India
Composite hafnia-silica thin-films
have generated significant interests for the applications pertaining to the
development of multilayer high energy laser damage threshold multilayer coatings
and high-k gate oxides. In this work, the optical and microstructural properties
of these vapour phase mixed composite thin films achieved through reactive
electron beam co-depositions were probed by various techniques, viz.,
ellipsometry, grazing incidence X-ray reflectivity (GIXR), X-ray diffraction
(XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and atomic force acoustic microscopy
(AFAM). In spite of different methodologies adopted in these techniques, the
optical and microstructural information obtained through measurements have
stunning resemblances. It was distinctly observed that by adding a small
fraction of silica (5-15%), it is possible to dramatically improve the optical
properties, density, grain structure and morphologies in the composite oxide
thin films enhancing its application domain in multilayer and semiconductor
Total Refs : 33
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 (2010) 141-146
effects on structural and electrical properties of Fe/Si interface
Chhagan Lal, Renu
Dhunna and I P Jain
Centre for Non-conventional Energy Resources, University of
Rajasthan, Jaipur, 302004, India
Fe films of 80 nm thickness were
deposited onto Si (111) substrate using electron beam evaporation technique at
2 × 10–7 torr vacuum. Samples were annealed in 3 × 10–5 torr vacuum at 500 and
600 °C temperatures for one hour for the formation of silicide phases. GIXRD
results have revealed the formation a stable FeSi2 disilicide at the interface
on annealing at 600 °C temperature. The Schottky Barrier Height (SBH) is
calculated from I-V curves and Norde method [F(V)-V]. It is concluded that the
SBH decreases with increasing the annealing temperature.
Total Refs : 36
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 (2010)147-154
growth and electrochemical properties of rf sputtered LiCoO2 thin film cathodes
P Jeevan Kumar, K
Jayanth Babu and O M Hussain*
Thin Film Laboratory, Department of Physics, Sri Venkateswara
University, Tirupati-517 502, India
Thin films of
LiCoO2 were grown by rf magnetron sputtering technique and the influence of
deposition conditions on the growth, microstructural and electrochemical
performance was studied. The LiCoO2 films deposited on metalized silicon
substrates maintained at 523 K in an oxygen to argon ratio of 1:9 and
subsequently annealed at 923 K exhibited (104) out of plane texture
representing R3m structural symmetry with an average grain size of 500 nm.
The Chronopotentiometry test performed on Pt/LiCoO2 aqueous cell with a
current density of 160 µA/cm2 showed a discharge capacity of 113 µAh/cm2.
Cyclic Voltammogram comprises of perfectly redox peaks at certainly very
near voltage regions determines no drift in peak voltage and no change in
internal resistance. These sputtered LiCoO2 films exhibited excellent
electrochemical reversibility and can be used as a binder free cathode
material in the fabrication of all solid state microbatteries. Total Refs :
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 (2010) 155-186
Ion beam
modification of magnetic thin films grown by physical vapour deposition
J K Tripathi1,5,
Sanjukta Ghosh1,6, Maciej Oskar Liedke2, A Kanjilal2, B Satpati3, A Gupta4, and T Som1,
of Physics, Sachivalaya Marg, Bhubaneswar-751 005, India
of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Forschungszentrum
P.O. Box
510119, 01314 Dresden, Germany
for Advanced Material Processing, Central Mechanical Engineering Research
Gandhi Avenue, Durgapur – 713 209, India
4UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Khandwa Road, Indore –
452 017, India
This review reports on the changes in
structural and magnetic properties of Pt/Cr/Co multilayers and Co/Pt bi- and
multi-layers modified under wide range of ion-energy, -species, and -fluences.
We observe irradiation induced CoCrPt ternary alloy phase formation and CoPt
ordered/disordered phase formation for Pt/Cr/Co and Co/Pt system, respectively.
Phase formation is accompanied by an enhancement in the coercivity. These
findings are explained in the light of ion beam induced recoil mixing and
ionization events using TRIDYN_FZD and Monte Carlo SRIM simulations.
Keywords: Pt/Cr/Co
multilayer, Co/Pt thin films, magnetic property, ion irradiation, coercivity,
PACS: 61.80.Ac,
61.80.Jh, 75.70.Cn, 61.72.Cc, 82.80.Yc; 75.60.-d
Total Refs : 116
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 (2010) 187-194
evaporated copper phthalocyanine films for photovoltaic applications
R K Bedi, Himani
Gupta, Rajan Saini and Aman Mahajan
Science Laboratory, Department of Physics,Guru Nanak Dev University,
Amritsar-143 005, India
2Department of Applied Sciences, Amritsar College of Engineering &
Amritsar-143 005, India
Copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) films
have been prepared using thermal evaporation technique onto glass substrate
under different experimental conditions. The samples have been studied for their
structural, optical and electrical properties. The X-ray diffraction and SEM
studies of these films show their crystalline behaviour. The activation energy
of the films found to lie in 0.44 – 0.85 eV. Analysis of optical absorption
measurements on the films indicates that the interband transitions energies lie
in 4.12 – 4.14 eV. Devices have been fabricated under different experimental
conditions. The J-V relationship of single layer (Fluorine doped tin
oxide/CuPc/Aluminium) and double layer (Fluorine doped tin oxide/Crystal
violet/CuPc/Aluminium) devices are found to be in good agreement with standard
diode equation. The double layer devices show comparatively higher power
conversion efficiency.
Total Refs : 17
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3, (2010) 195-208
Effect of
thermal oxidation temperature on electrical properties
rutile TiO2 thin films
P Chowdhury*,
Harish C Barshilia, K C Yogananda, and K S Rajam, Ayan
Roy Chaudhuri and S B Krupanidhi
Engineering Division, National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore-560 017, India
Material Research Center, Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore-560 012, India
Amorphous TiO2 thin films were grown
by thermal oxidation of sputter deposited Ti thin films on n-type Si(100)
substrates. Phase purity of TiO2 thin films was confirmed by X-ray diffraction
and Raman spectroscopy. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy depth profiles for the
TiO2 thin films demonstrate uniformity of Ti and O atoms and the inter-facial
composition on Si surface. Metal oxide semiconductor capacitors with Al top and
bottom electrodes were fabricated and both C-V and I-V characterization were
carried out to evaluate the effect of thermal oxidation temperature on
electrical properties of TiO2 thin films. High temperature annealing at
different temperatures from 480 to 740°C under O2 ambient indicates that films
oxidized at 580°C have low trap and leakage current densities and can be treated
as the optimal oxidation temperature. Frenkel-Poole conduction was observed for
films prepared under optimal conditions, while for other conditions, Schottkey
emission was found to be the main conduction mechanism.
Total Refs : 26
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 (2010) 209-216
Role of
central metal atom and chemisorbed oxygen in gas sensing mechanism for
cobalt-phthalocyanine thin films
Arvind Kumar,
Ajay Singh, A K Debnath, Soumen Samanta, D K Aswal, S K Gupta and J V Yakhmi
Technical Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Center,
Mumbai-400 085, India
Chlorine (Cl2) gas sensing
has been studied in polycrystalline cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc) thin films
grown on sapphire substrate by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). By comparing the
gas sensitivity (at room temperature) in ambient and after annealing the films
under argon atmosphere we demonstrate that after desorption of chemisorbed
oxygen, the gas sensitivity strongly enhances. The chemical interaction between
Cl2 gas and CoPc has been investigated by x-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy and impedance spectroscopy. It has been
shown that central metal atom of the CoPc molecules at the grain boundaries is
primarily responsible for oxidation on exposure to Cl2.
Total Refs : 21
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 (2010) 217-222
Effect of
interface structures on the growth of Ag on Si(111) surfaces
Dipak K Goswami
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati – 781 039, India
Thin Ag films of different
thicknesses are grown on Si(111)-(7 × 7) surfaces at room temperature and then
annealed at 700ºC for 5 minutes. Ag films morphology evolution upon annealing
has been investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy and interface structures
are characterized by reflection high energy electron diffraction studies. Here
we report the effect of interface structures on the growth of Ag films.Ag
islands formed on Si(111)-(7×7) surfaces at room temperature with strongly
preferred heights of even atomic layers keeping (7× 7) reconstructed structure
at the buried interface unaltered. However, upon annealing interface structures
changes to (1 × 1) and Ag layer with single atomic layer heights following the
Si steps are observed.
Total Refs : 27
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 (2010) 223-232
plasma assisted growth of metal oxide nanoparticles
Avinash S Bansode1,
K R Patil2, S V Bhoraskar1 and V L Mathe1
of Physics, University of Pune, Pune-411 007, India
2National Chemical Laboratory, Pune-411 008, India
A new method of synthesizing
nanocrystalline particles of metal oxides on a flat substrate by using chemical
sputtering assisted by ECR plasma has been explored. Langmuir double Probe
method is used to carry out the plasma diagnosis. Nanocrystalline particles of
titanium dioxide and iron oxide were grown on the glass substrate by depositing
the metals by ECR plasma and then oxidizing them at room temperature.
Nanocrystallites were seen to have different facetting depending on the
deposition conditions. Structural and morphological analyses were carried out
for understanding the characteristic properties.
Total Refs : 22
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 (2010) 233-238
Thin film
of ternary transition metals in alloy form: Path to achieve very low vacuum
R K Sharma,
Jagannath, Sovit Bhattacharya, S C Gadkari, R Mukund and V K Handu
Technical Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre ,
Mumbai-400 085, India
Non evaporable getter (NEG) thin film
of TiVZr were deposited by sputtering on ss substrates. After characterizing
with surface techniques, activation temperature of this alloy has been found in
the range of 160 – 180°C for 2 hrs heating with well defined composition range.
In this paper characterization of the activation behavior of the NEG film has
been reported. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) technique provides the
evolution of the chemical composition of surfaces. TiVZr NEG films were
deposited by magnetron sputtering from a single TiZrV target. The NEG
performance and morphology dependence on deposition pressure, sputtering
conditions, and substrate surface roughness have been investigated. Change in
the surface morphology is depicted by Scanning Electron Spectroscopy. Energy
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy provides the stoichiometry of the surfaces.
However, film topography and density were shown to depend very much on the
substrate surface roughness.
Total Refs : 10
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 (2010) 239-244
Effect of
thermal annealing on the formation of silicon nanoclusters in SiOX films grown
by PLD
Nupur Saxena†,
A Agarwal† and D Kanjilal+
of Physics, Bareilly College, Bareilly-243 005, India.
+Inter University Accelerator Center, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi
– 110 067, India.
Silicon nanoclusters formation in
pulsed laser deposited (PLD) silicon suboxide (SiOX) films by thermal annealing
is reported. The SiOX films are prepared by ablation of silicon target at
different oxygen partial pressures. The different deposition conditions are
employed to study the effect of oxygen concentration on the size of the
nanoclusters. Post deposition thermal annealing of the films leads to the phase
separation in silicon suboxide films. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
(FTIR), micro Raman spectroscopy and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy studies were
carried out to characterize the formation of silicon nanoclusters in SiOX films.
Total Refs : 24
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 (2010)245-262
and iodization time dependence of photoluminescence in
ultrathin Ag films
M Gnanavel and C
S Sunandana
School of Physics, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad-500 046,
Silver thin films in the thickness
range 5-15 nm prepared by vacuum thermal evaporation onto glass substrates were
systematically iodized and carefully characterized by XRD, AFM, UV/Visible
optical absorption and photoluminescence. While the un-iodized Ag films are
X-ray quasi amorphous in keeping with their quasi-continuous nature and 2D
islanded structure, briefly iodized (5-60 minutes) 5, 10, and 15 nm films showed
phases characteristic of both g (zincblende) and b (Wurtzite) structures perhaps
due to local iodine excess [(Ag/I) < 1] of silver iodide island nanoparticles.
Most interestingly, DFM image of as deposited Ag films revealed uniform
spherical shaped average particles of 25 nm whose size and shape change
appreciably upon iodization. Optical absorption spectra of uniodized Ag films
show surface plasmon resonance (SPR) features with SPR peak maxima at 430, 439
and 457 nm for the films of thickness 5, 10 and15 nm, respectively. Finally an
interesting and unique surface plasmon-exciton phase transition is observed as
the ultra-thin films are progressively iodized at 60 minutes. Red shift observed
with increasing iodization time and films thickness which could be the effect of
increasing particle size thereby weak quantum confinement effects shows the
decreases in the band gap. Photoluminescence of these films are essentially
excitonic assisted by donor-acceptor recombination with rates enhanced by
thickness and particle size reduction also indicating formation of intrinsic
Frenkel defects.
Total Refs : 80
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 (2010) 263-268
Fabrication and characterization of p-NiO-n-ITO transparent p-n junction thin
film nanostructures
B V Mistry†,
P Bhatt#, K H Bhavsar†, S J Trivedi†, U N.
Trivedi# and U S Joshi†
of Physics, School of Sciences, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad-380 009, India
of Instrumentation & Control, Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Chandkheda, Gandhinagar-382 424, India
We have grown “all oxide”
transparent p-n junction thin film nanostructure device by using
chemical solution deposition (CSD) and e-beam evaporation onto SiO2 substrate.
The oxide p-n junction consisting of p-NiO and n-ITO
was characterized by GIXRD, AFM, UV-Vis. spectroscopy and I-V measurements.
Combined GIXRD and AFM confirm phase pure, mono-disperse 30 nm NiO and ITO
nanocrystallites. Better than 70% optical transparency is achieved across 160 nm
thick p-n junction. The optical band gap across the junction was found
to decrease as compare to the intrinsic ITO and NiO. The current voltage (I-V)
characteristics show rectifying nature with dynamic transfer resistance ratio of
the order of 103 in the forward bias condition. Very small reverse leakage
current with appreciable beakdown was observed under the reverse bias. The
observed optical and electrical properties of oxide transparent diode are
attributed to the heteroepitaxial nature and carrier diffusion at the junction
Total Refs : 27
Vol. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 (2010) 269-272
Nanocrystals: Magnetic Study
S Majumdera, V
Solankia, A Guptab and Shikha Varmaa
of Physics, Bhubaneswar – 751 005, India
bUGC-DAE CSR, Indore Centre, Indore, India.
The present study shows the presence
of room temperature ferromagnetism in undoped ZnO nanostructures. The ZnO
nanostructures have been deposited by physical vapor deposition technique. The
magnetic results demonstrate the presence of asymmetric Kerr loop. Results also
indicate that these nanostructures are semiconductive in nature and show a PL of
376nm. The ferromagnetism observed in these crystals may arise from the oxygen
vacancies at the surface and interfaces. Keywords: AFM, ZnO, MOKE. PACS:
68.37.Ps, 77.55.hj, 75.75.q
Keywords: AFM,
ZnO, MOKE. PACS: 68.37.Ps, 77.55.hj, 75.75.q
Total Refs : 13
Vol. 19, No. 2 & 3 (2010) 273-278
Investigation of SnO2 nanowire based gas sensors
Niranjan Ramgir,
Shashwati Sen, Manmeet Kaur, Satyendra Kumar Mishra, Vallabharao Rikka, Rashmi
Choukikar and Kunal Muthe
Thin Films
and Devices Section, Technical Physics Division,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 400 085, India
Gas sensing characteristics of SnO2 nanowires
in two configurations namely isolated nanowires (Type I) and mat type nanowires
thin films (Type II) have been investigated. Interestingly, Type I sensor
exhibited anomalous behavior on exposure to Cl2 in that the
resistance reduced on exposure while response of type II sensors showed normal
behavior with increase in resistance. Response to reducing gas, H2S
was found to be normal for both type of sensors. Results have been understood in
terms of different interactions of chlorine. Temperature dependence of response
also showed that maximum response for Type II sensors occurs at 150°C towards
both reducing (H2S) and oxidizing (Cl2) gases while type I
sensors have good response at room temperature. The results indicate different
behavior of change in resistance of intragrain and intergrain regions. Isolated
SnO2 nanowires are found to be promising for detection of gases at
room temperature.
Total Refs : 14
Vol. 19, No. 2 & 3 (2010) 279-286
field emission from Diamond like carbon films deposited by microwave ECR plasma
S B Singh, P Rai,
S A Barve, R Kar, Jagannath, M Pandey, R B Tokas, D S Misra and D S Patil*
and Plasma Technology Division,
Physics Division,
Pressure and Synchrotron Radiation Physics Division,
Spectroscopy Division,
Bhabha Atomic
Research Center, Trombay, Mumbai 400 085, India.
2Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai,
Mumbai, 400 076.
Diamond like carbon films (DLC) are
deposited on Si (111) substrates by microwave ECR plasma CVD process using
plasma of methane and argon gases. A 13.56 MHz RF generator capacitively coupled
to a water-cooled substrate holder is used to vary the negative dc self-bias
(–25 to –200 V) that is developed on the substrate during deposition. Deposited
films were characterized by Raman spectroscopy, X ray photoelectron spectroscopy
(XPS) and atomic force microscopy. Field emission characteristics of the
deposited films were investigated. Field emission behavior of the deposited
films is found to be dependent on the substrate bias during the deposition.
It is also observed that the field emission from the DLC film depends on the
sp3/sp2 ratio of carbon bonding, sp2 cluster size and hydrogen content in the
Total Refs : 19
Vol. 19, No. 2 & 3 (2010) 287-300
sputtering based x-ray multilayer deposition system at Indus SR facility
M Nayak, P N Rao
and G S Lodha
X-ray Optics Section, Indus Synchrotrons Utilization Division, Raja
Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore-452013, India
At Indus synchrotron radiation (SR)
facility, we have recently installed a DC/RF magnetron sputtering system, for
the development of large area x-ray multilayer (ML) optics. A brief description
of the system configuration, automation and operating conditions are presented.
The system has the capability of fabricating large area (300 100 mm2) x-ray MLs
with required accuracy, uniformity and reproducibility. The sputtering process
parameters are optimized for thin film growth, suitable for fabrication of x-ray
multilayer optics. The representative results on Mo-Si system are presented.
Total Refs : 22