Editor-in-Chief : V.K. Rastogi

An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal
Frequency : Monthly,
ISSN : 0971 – 3093
Editor-In-Chief (Hon.) :
Dr. V.K. Rastogi
e-mail:[email protected]
[email protected]
AJP | ISSN : 0971 – 3093 Vol 20, No. 4 , October-December, 2011 |
Journal of Physics
Vol 20, No. 4 , October-December, 2011
Vol. 20, No. 4 (2011) 299-318
Effects of geomagnetic super storms on the
ionospheric F-region in the
south American sector using a GPS technique: A Review
Y Sahai1 ,
A J De Abreu1 , P R Fagundes1 , R DE Jesus1,
G Crowley Rowley2, M V Klimenko3 , V V Klimenko3 ,
C Brunini4 , M Gende4,
V G Pillat1 ,
J R Abalde1 , and J A Bittencourt5
1Universidade do Vale do Paraiba (UNIVAP), São José dos Campos, SP,
2Atmospheric & Space Technology Research Associates (ASTRA)
LLC, San Antonio, TX, USA
3West department of N. V. Pushkov IZMIRAN RAS, Kaliningrad, Russia
4Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas, Universidad
Nacional de La Plata, 1900, La Plata, Argentina.
5Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), São José dos
Campos, SP, Brazil.
In the present
investigation, the effect of several super storms on the ionospheric region
covering the South American sector (Brazil and Argentina) has been studied
using a GPS technique. The super storm periods studied include geomagnetically
quiet, disturbed and arecovery phases. Considering super storms with |Dst| >
250 nT, four periods with six super storm events have
been analyzed. The four periods analyzed are 05-08 April 2000 (only Brazilian
sector), 27-31 October 2003 (Brazilian and Argentinean sectors), 19-23 November
2003 (only Brazilian sector), and 06-11 November 2004 (Brazilian and
Argentinean sectors). In this review, we present and discuss in a consolidated
form during the results obtained by us during these superstorms. Both vertical
total electron content (VTEC) and phase fluctuations (TECU/min) from several
GPS stations (for which data were available) have been presented. Phase
fluctuations are a good indicator of spread-F irregularities with a few km
sizes. We have compared the observed TEC at different GPS observing sites
during the four periods with the TIME-GCM simulation results. The model results
show both similarities and differences from the observed results. Large
variations (both positive and negative storm phases) in the VTEC during the
main and recovery phases compared to quiet day variation were observed in
several super storm events studied. The phase fluctuations indicate the
presence of plasma bubbles extending to the Argentinean sector during the post-sunset
pre-reversal period of super storms on the nights of 29-30 and 30-31 October
2003, and 07-08 November 2004.
Vol 20, No 4(2011)321-402
2.Advances in Photonic and Microwave Technologies Based on
Negative Phase velocity Materials
and Related Areas: A Qualitative Bibliographic
Review for the year 2007
Sanjay Kumar*, K. N. Chopra, Joby Joseph, and
Kehar Singh
Photonics Group, Department of Physics, I. I. T.
Delhi, New Delhi-110 016, INDIA
With the successful
demonstration of the use of negative phase velocity materials (NPVMs) for
making super lenses with resolution capabilities not limited by the conventional
diffraction limit, a considerable amount of interest has been shown in using
subwavelength structures to develop materials having qualitatively new response
functions not occurring in nature. These materials result in modified Snell’s
law of refraction, a reversed Doppler shift and an obtuse angle for Cerenkov
radiation [see e.g. Veselago, V.G., Sov. Phys. Usp. 10
(1968) 509-514]. The perfect lens enables imaging with subwavelength
resolution, and has attracted the attention of many researchers in studying its
focusing and imaging characteristics. With the universal acceptance of the
phenomenon of negative refraction (NR) and the suitability of some photonic
crystals (PhCs) as left-handed materials (LHMs), considerable interest has also
been shown in studying the PhCs in the context of NR. In less than a decade,
many interesting investigations on the basis of materials with NR, e.g.
superlens designing, focusing, resolution, defect modes, resonance modes,
anomalous effects, and nonlinear effects etc. have been reported. These
materials are becoming increasingly important for fabricating some devices in
the fields of Photonics and Microwave Technologies. This review is an attempt
to present a glimpse of publications in the year 2007, of the rapidly growing
field which has now become so vast that it is nearly impossible to cover
everything. No claim is made as to the completeness of the reporting of various
investigations on the subject. Such surveys for the years 2005, 2006, and 2008
have already been published (1-4).
1. K.N.Chopra, Joby Joseph and Kehar Singh, Invertis J. Sci.
Technol. 3 (2010)
2. K.N. Chopra, Sanjay Kumar, Joby Joseph and Kehar Singh,
Invertis J. Sci. Technol. 4 (2011) 84-126.
3. K.N. Chopra, Sanjay Kumar, Joby Joseph and Kehar Singh,
Invertis J. Sci. Technol. 4 (2011) 146-187.
4. K.N. Chopra, Joby Joseph and Kehar Singh, Asian J. Phys. 18
(2009) 17-56.
Keywords: Negative
Refractive Index Materials, Metamaterials, Nano-optics, Negative Refraction,
Cloaking, Negative Phase Velocity Materials, Left-handed Materials, Photonic
Crystals, Chiral Media, Superresolution, Subwavelength Focusing, Superlenses,
Antennas, Plasmonics.
Vol. 20, No. 4 (2011)
3. Density functional theory computations on
vibrational spectra:
Scaling procedures to improve the results
M Alcolea Palafoxa and V K Rastogib
aDepartamento de Química-Física I. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas Universidad
Complutense, Madrid- 28040-ES. SPAIN
bDepartment of Physics, CCS University Campus, Meerut-250004, India.
The basic Density
Functional Theory (DFT) was described, and the most common density functionals
were listed. The performance of ab initio and DFT methods in calculating the
geometric parameters and vibrational frequencies was analyzed. The accuracy of
the results in the isolated state, as well as in the solid state was shown in
the IR and Raman spectra. To correct the calculated frequencies, several
scaling procedures were described in detail. A comprehensive compendium of the
mainly scale factors available to date for a good accurate prediction of the
frequencies was also shown. Examples of each case were presented, with special
attention to the benzene and uracil molecules and to some of their derivatives.