Editor-in-Chief : V.K. Rastogi

An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal
Frequency : Monthly,
ISSN : 0971 – 3093
Editor-In-Chief (Hon.) :
Dr. V.K. Rastogi
e-mail:[email protected]
[email protected]
AJP | ISSN : 0971 – 3093 Vol 12, Nos 2&3, April – September, 2003 |
Journal of Physics
Novel signal processing for advanced
optical sensors
M N Taib and R Narayanaswamy
Long period grating sensors to
monitor fuel quality
Effects of temperature on glued fiber
Bragg grating sensors,
Riccardo Falciai and Cosimo Trono
Ruthenium-based optical fiber sensor
for gaseous oxygen detection
Gaetano Di Marco, Maurizio Lanza,
Giuseppe Calogero. Patrizia Bizzarri and Anna Grazia Mignani
Trace detection of nitriles in water
using long period gratings in multimode optical
P Suresh Kumar, Diesh Kumar, R S
Thomas Lee, CPG Vallabhan, VPN Nampoori and P Radhakrishnan
Fiber optic chemical sensor for air
pollutant measurement: design, development and applications
Ang Soo Seng, M S John and Anand
H2S sensing properties of
H2SO4 treated Sn02:Pd thin films in temperature cycling mode.
S C Gadkari, V R Katti, Manmeet
Kaur, K P Muthe, A K Debnath, A K Dua,S K Gupta and V C Sahni
Comparative studies of surface
modified SnO2 as pellet and thin film for LPG sensing.
Niranian S Ramgir and Initiaz S
Porous silicon: a natural nano
structure for vapour sensing applications.
H Saha, J Das, S M Hossain
Au-polyaniline nanocomposite: sensor
for methanol vapours.
Anjali A Athawali, S V Bhagawat
and Prachi P Katre
Electrical conductivity, humidity
sensing properties of SnW04-SnO2 composites synthesized by in situ method.
R Sundaram, O M Sreedharan, C
Mallika and K S Nagaraja
TCNQ-functionalized ormosil based
electrochemical biosensors.
P C Pandey, S Upadhyay, N K
Shukla and S Sharma
The field of optical and solid state sensors has emerged during the past
twenty years as an important part of modern instrumentation and control systems.
The continuous progress of the optoelectronic and microelectronic technologies
together with developments in material science has sustained the sensor area
growth for many years. Contributing to sensor progress are advances in
chemistry, biology, surface science, chaos and information theory, signal
processing, nanotechnology, and simulation tools. All of these aspects, which
are stronglypluridiscip linary in character, together with promising markets on
the horizon in the fields of medicine, industrial processes, transportation,
space, and food and beverage control, are contributing to the birth of the
sensor science discipline. The sensors have been developed into commercial
products, and new sensing and transduction methods have been developed that will
lead to new products and system approaches. The global market for sensors is
expected to reach more than $50 billion by 2008. Much innovation in sensor
technology has occurred in recent years. The related material is spread among
various publications, hiding the big picture. The purpose of this special issue
is to put together a set of original research papers that represent the best in
optical and solid state sensors area, showing the State of Art as well as
breadth and depth of current research. I am grateful to authors for responding
to my call for papers and for their help in returning the revised papers fairly
rapidly. My sincere thanks are due to the publisher of Asian Journal of
Physics and the Chief Editor, Professor V.K. Rastogi, for appointing me
the Guest Editor of this special issue.
B D Gupta
Guest Editor
Physics Department, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016, India
Vol. 12, Nos
2&3 (2003) 183-204
Novel signal processing for advanced
optical sensors
M N Taib1 and R Narayanaswamy2
1Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor D E Malaysia
2 Department of Instrumentation, and
Analytical Science,UMIST, P O Box 88
Manchester M60 1QD, U K
A novel technique for processing signals of an optical fibre sensor has
been demonstrated in this paper. A multilayer artificial neural network (ANN),
with only one hidden layer, was trained via the recursive prediction error (PRE)
algorithm to adapt to the input-output signals from a Light Emitting Diode used
in conjunction with a reflectance fibre optic sensor. Three LEDs (red, Orange
and yellow) operating in the visible region at peak wavelengths of 660nm, 620nm
and 590nm,respectively were employed as light source, the optical signals
reflected from the tip of a fibre optic sensor based on immobilized thymol
blue were correlated directly to pH measurements. A network architecture of
3-input neuros, 13-hidden neurons and 1-output neuron was found most suitable
for this application and a linear calibration output was produced for a pH
measurement range of 0.90 to 10.28.The application of (ANN) to the optical fibre
sensor also exhibited a very robust system where fluctuations in the sensor
signals of upto 7.0% can be tolerated before the prediction error magnitude
becomes larger than 1.0pH.
Total Refs: 23
Vol. 12, Nos 2&3 (2003) 205-211
Long Period Grating Sensor to monitor
Fuel Quality
Rosane Falate, José Luís Fabris, Márcia Müller and
Hypolito José Kalinowski
Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica
do Paraná
Av. Sete de Setembro, 3165 – 80230-901
Curitiba, Brazil
e-mail:[email protected]
We describe the production and characterisation of Long Period Gratings
in fibre optics. The gratings are written in standard single-mode fibre using
the electrical arc technique while their transmission spectrum is used to
control the grating length. Optical characterisation and wavelength dependence
with temperature and refractive index of the external medium are shown. An
application of the LPG as a sensor to monitor the fuel quality (Brazilian
standard mixture of ethanol and gasoline) is presented.
Total refs: 16
Cited: 11 times
12, Nos 2&3 (2003) 213-217
Effects of temperature on glued fiber
Bragg grating sensors
Riccardo Falciai* and Cosimo Trono
IFAC-CNR, Optics and Photonics Dept., Via
Panciatichi 64, 50127 Firenze, Italy
Phone: +39 055 4235233, Fax: +39 055
410893,e-mail: [email protected]
Fiber Bragg grating sensors are often utilised for the control of
structures to which the fiber can be attached or within which it can be
embedded. The procedure of fixing or embedding the fiber to the structure under
control is a critical point. Measurements were performed on gratings glued on
different samples made of strips of commercial glass or iron. The samples were
heated or cooled inside an oven or a thermo-cryostat. The Bragg wavelength shift
was detected by means of an optical spectrum analyzer. The results of
measurements made under different experimental conditions will be reported.
These show a good linear relation between the temperature variation and the
Bragg wavelength shift, but also reveal problems related to the glue hardening
or to the partial ungluing of the gratings, depending on the sample material and
on the glue used. © Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
1. Meltz G, Morey WH, Glenn WH, Opt Lett, 14 (1989) 823.
2. Hill KO, J Lightwave Technol, 15 (1997) 1263.
3. Kersey AD, Davis AD, Patrick HJ, LeBlanc M. Koo KP, Askins CG,
Putnam MA, Friebele EJ, J Lightwave Technol, 15 (1997) 1442.
4. Falciai R, Fontana R, Schena A, Scheggi AM, Diffractive
Optics and Optical Microsystems, Edited by Martellucci S and Chester A,
(Plenum Press, New York), 1997, p. 293.
Effects of temperature on glued fiber Bragg grating
12, Nos 2&3 (2003) 251-256
An evanescent-wavelength optical fiber
relative humidity sensor
Sunil K Khijwania, Rajeev Jindal and Jagdish P Singh
Diagnostic Instrumentation and Analysis
A novel optical fiber relative humidity sensor is proposed using a single
U-bend plastic clad silica fiber. The sensor is fabricated using a thin film of
PVA/CoCl2 coated on the bare fiber core. A comprehensive study of the
sensor was made in terms of performance optimization and practical uses. Sensor,
comprising of fiber with a smaller core diameter is found to be more
sensitive. The sensor exhibits a short response time, high repeatability and
reversibility. ©Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Total Refs: 7
1. Hesse H C, East German Patent, 106(1974)86.
2. Russell A P, Fletcher K S, Anal Chim
Acta, 170(1985)209
Vol 12, Nos 2&3 (2003) 257-262
Fiber-optic proximity sensor for
mechatronic applications
Manish Ahuja, Amit Sadhu, M R Shenoy and S K Saha1
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016, India
[email protected] (
M R Shenoy)
This paper describes the development of a fiber optic based proximity
sensor to control the motion of objects moving on the conveyor belt of an
assembly line. The sensor can detect the presence and absence of the object,
with certain surface qualities, in the sensing zone and give a digital output.
Total Refs: 4
Vol 12, Nos
2&3 (2003) 263-274
In-Fiber Gratings: Evolution, Optics and
Applications in Sensing
Bishnu P Pal
Departmen of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology
Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Deli-110 016, India
Optical fiber sensors have attracted a great deal of interest from the
point of view of distributed measurements and due to their immunity from emi and
also for-ultra-sensitive measurements in certain cases. Optical fiber gratings
form an important platform for configuring a host of optical fiber sensors
especially for distributed measurements of strain, temperature and refractive
index. This paper is an attempt to focus on the evolution of this technology,
its underlying optics, and some sample applications of these in sensing. © Anita
Publications. All rights reserved.
Total Refs : 42
Cited : 2 Times
In-Fiber Gratings: Evolution, Optics and Applications in
12, Nos 2&3 (2003) 275-282
Non-invasive, quantitative estimation of
tissue physiological parameters with diffuse optical tomography (DOT)
Gargi Vishnoi
Biomedical Engineering Group, BJM
Schoool of Biosciences and Bioengineering
Indian Institutue of Technology
Bombay,powai, Mumbai-400 076, India
Diffusing photons can be used as sensing mechanism to probe and
characterize optically thick turbid medium such as human tissue. Here, Diffus
Optical Tomography (DOT)
Total Refs : 10
Vol 12, Nos 2&3 (2003) 283-291
Optical sensor system for non-invasive
medical diagnostics
M Mukunda Rao, R Arul Ram and G V Srikrishnan
Biomedical Sciences Division
Sri Ramachandra Medical College &
Research Institute (DU)
1,Ramachandra Nagar, Porur, Chennai-600
116, India
Total Refs : 9
12, Nos 2&3 (2003) 293-297
Humidity sensing characteristics of
potassium doped barium strontium titanate
(Bax Sr1-x TiO3)
thin films prepared by sol-gel technique
Somnath C Roy, Uppireddi Kishore, G L Sharma and M C
Thin Film Laboratory, Department of
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016, India
Total Refs : 8
12, Nos 2&3 (2003) 299-302
Electrical characterization of
(Ba,Sr)TiO3 thin films grown by sol-gel technique for humidity
sensor applications
Seema Agarwal, M C Bhatnagar,and G L Sharma
Thin Film Laboratory, Department of
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016, India
(Ba,Sr)TiO3 (BST) thin films made by sol-gel technique are
polycrystalline and porous in nature.
Total Refs : 18
12, No 2& 3 (2003) 339-344
Electrical conductivity, humidity
sensing properties of SnWO4 – SnO2 composites synthesized
by in situ method
R Sundaram, O M Sreedharan, C Mallikaa and
K. S. Nagaraja*
*Department of Chemistry, Loyola
Institute of frontier energy (LIFE ),
Loyola College, Chennai -34,India
and Kinetic Division, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, India
Phone: +91-44-28175660 Fax:
An intimate mixture of SnO and WO3 in the mole ratio 4:1 was
prepared by the high temperature route. as well as with 2mole % of LiOH. H2O and
Mg(OH)2.H2O was sintered at 973K in air atmosphere in the form of cylindrical
discs. The XRD of this sintered sample indicates the formation of SnWO4 and
SnO2 phases only. DC. electrical conductivity measurements over
the temperature range 310-510 K in air atmosphere form which the activation
energies were determined. The current was found to increase linearly
with the applied field indicating the Ohmic nature. The current increases
exponentially against the temperature indicating the semiconductive nature of
the sample. The activation energy for D.C. conductance was found to be 0.69 eV,
The material was subjected to humidity sensin::, using d.c resistance
measurements as a function of relative humidity in the range of 5-981X, RII,
achieved by different water buffers thermostated at 298K. A plot of log R vs
Relative humidity (RH) was made to compare the humidity sensing characteristics
of the material. The sample was doped with 2mole % of Li* and Mg’ to enhance the
sensitivity towards moisture. It could he inferred that the drop in D.C.
resistance for the Lit doped material is quite high when compared to that of
undoped and Me* doped specimens. The sensitivity factor, S, (Rs.A/RomiA) for
SWSO.1S, and Me doped samples are found to be 104, 21053 and 20, respectively.
It is evident that the in situ generated composite of SnW04-SnO2 shows higher
sensitivity (21053) than the same non-in situ generated composite sensitivity
(6364 The response and recovery characteristics of this compound were assessed.
0 Anita Publications. All rights reserved
Total Refs : 12
1 Introduction
The measurement and control of humidity is important in many areas
including meteorology, medicine, food production, agriculture and domestic
environment. The measurement of relative humidity’ seems to be very convenient.
Of the various materials utilized for humidity detection, the metal oxides,
which are physically and chemically stable, have been widely investigated at
both elevated and room iemperatures24. Investigations on materials
based on electrolytic manganese oxide have proved to be highly promising and
being operative at room temperature”. However, our earlier investigations
indicate that materials that possess metastable coexistence can have excellent
sensitivity towards moisture”. The main problem in handling tin oxides based
humidity sensors is their thermal stability as their stoichiometry varies with
sintering temperature though they are capable of operating in the D.C. mode
unlike the conventional ceramic materials which require an A.C. mode. Hence, the
present investigation aims at the development of humidity sensors operating in
the D.C. mode based on tin oxide – tin tungstate composites obtained by in situ method.
2 Experimental
2. I Preparation of SnW04-SnO2compo.sites
Since the mechanical mixtures of SnW04-SnO2 composites
showed high sensitivity towards moisture, a novel in situ method of
synthesizing these composite was resorted for further improvement in the
sensitivity. This type of in situ generation provides grain
boundaries and hence enhances better efficiency. Intimate mixtures of
undoped and Li` or Mg,21. (2 mole %) doped SnO2 and W01 in
4:1 mole
12, Nos 2&3 (2003) 345-354.
TCNQ- functionalized ormosil based
electrochemical biosensors
P C Pandey, S Upadhyay, N K Shukla and S Sharma
Department of Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi-221 005
[email protected];[email protected],
[email protected] (P C Pandey)
The electrochemical biosensors based on tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ)
encapsulated within palladium-linked organically modified sol-gel glass
(ORMOSIL) and redox enzyme modified graphite paste electrodes are reported. The
new ormosil is made using Pd_linked silane precursor containing,
trimethoxysilane, HCl and TCQN powder at 25 ˚C. Two electrochemical
biosensors, the first one for glucose and second one for peroxide are reported
using TCNQ-functionalised ormosil and redox enzyme glucose oxidase/Horseradish
peroxidase (HRP)] incorporated within graphite paste electrode. The performance
of glucose biosensor and peroxide biosensor is examined based on cyclic
voltammetry and amperometric measurements. The sensing of glucose is based on
the measurement of anodic current at 0.25 vs Ag/AgCl as a function
electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose oxidase on TCNQ-functionalized
ormosil-modified electrode whereas the same for peroxide involves the
measurement of cathodic current at 0 mV vs Ag/AgCl as a function of
electrocatalytic reduction of Horseradish peroxidase on similar modified
electrode system. Anodic oxidation of peroxidase has also been examined using
four types of graphite paste modified electrodes. The Electrode-1 is made in
absence of functionalized ormosil and HRP, Electrode-2 is made in the presence
of HRP only, Electrode-3 is made in the presence of HRP and functionalized
ormosil whereas Electrode-4 is made in the presence of functionalized ormosil
only.The results suggest that peroxide undergoes both direct and
electrocatalytic oxidation at anodic potential on functionalized
ormosil-modified electrode.© Anita Publications. All rights reserved.
Total Refs:14