Editor-in-Chief : V.K. Rastogi

An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal
Frequency : Monthly,
ISSN : 0971 – 3093
Editor-In-Chief (Hon.) :
Dr. V.K. Rastogi
e-mail:[email protected]
[email protected]
AJP | ISSN : 0971 – 3093 Vol 31, No 8, August, 2022 |
Journal of Physics
Volume 31 | No 8 | August, 2022 |
A Special Issue in honour
Prof Cesar A Sciammarella
Guest Edited By : Amalia Martínez-García
Anita Publications
FF-43, 1st Floor, Mangal Bazar, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110 092, India
About Prof Cesar A Sciammarella |
Cesar A Sciammarella is Professor Emeritus in the Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Department at Illinois Institute of Technology.
Education: Six-year diploma in Civil Engineering, University of Buenos Aires, 1950. Ph.D. from the Illinois Institute of Technology, thesis advisor A.J. Durelli, 1960.
Academic Carrier: His academic carrier began in Argentina. In 1952 Professor in the Argentine Army Engineering school, in 1957 Professor of the School of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires. In 1961 Associated Professor the Department of Engineering Mechanics of the University of Florida, in 1963 Full Professor.
In 1967 Professor at the Department of Aerospace and Applied Mechanics, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, New York. In 1973 Professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Director of the Experimental Stress Analysis Laboratory. In 2008 he became Emeritus Professor.
From1991–1998, Non-Resident Professor at the Universita Degli Study, in Nuoro, Italy.
Visiting Professor ships: Visiting Professorship sponsored by the British Research council in the Universities of Sheffield and Bristol, 1966. Polytechnic Institute of Milano Italy (1972,1976); University of Cagliari (1979) Italy; Polytechnic Institute of Lausanne (1979) Switzerland; University of Poitiers (1980) France; and Polytechnic Institute of Bari (1992,1994,1998,2003– 2008) Italy.
Research work: His most important research work is in the field of Optical Methods applied to Experimental Mechanics.
He pioneered many experimental techniques utilizing optical signals in the general sense of electromagnetic waves applied to problems of solid mechanics. What factors control the resolutions that can be achieved in space and time utilizing imaging techniques. He applies mathematically based self-consistent approaches that covers a wide spectrum of scales, macro, micro, nanometer, and sub-nanometer scales. These different developments were applied to moiré patterns, speckle patterns, holographic patterns, MRI patterns, in 2-D and 3D applications.
Applications to scientific and technological problems: He applied optical techniques and other methods of experimental mechanics to important scientific and technical problems. Fracture mechanics of metals both lineal and non-lineal. Two dimensional and three-dimensional, detailed analysis of the crack tips elastic, plastic, pre-fracture, and fracture. An extensive study on the fracture of high strength steel alloys vessels under internal pressure. Fatigue fracture of metals using gamma-rays’ spectroscopy. Composite materials, fracture of single plays of glass-epoxy under dynamic loads in the range of strain rates of 0.01 1/minute to 100,000 1/minute. Particulate composites: study of the brittleness of metal matrix reinforced with hard particles. Extensive study of the damage mechanism of particulate composites under repeated tensile loading with high resolution microscopy and modeling with finite elements. Rolling fatigue, wear, and fracture of railroad wheels.
Contributions in bioengineering: Study of the vertebral column mechanical properties and effects of different types of reinforcements introduced by surgery of the vertebral column. Study of knee-cap prosthesis contact stress damage. Extraction of displacements and strains of the heart from MRI images.
Contributions to the field of sub-wavelength optics: Going beyond the Rayleigh limit, holographic optical detection of information at the sub-wavelength level, light generation at the nanoscale, interferometry at the nanoscale. Development of instrumentation for nano-field metrology with resolution in the atomic and sub-atomic order.
Applications to metrology. Replacement of mechanical sensors of CMM machines with optical reading heads. High accuracy techniques to measure shape of 3-D bodies.
Technological processes: Residual stresses in the fabrication of electronic chips, from the wafer stage and ending with the actual cut chips. Measurement of residual stresses generated in the process of welding of electronic chips to substrates. Fracture of complex electronic chips due to thermal stressing. Coated substrates, measurement of residual stresses in the fabrication setup.
Important Engineering Projects: George Marshal Space Flight Center, NASA. Theoretical and experimental design analysis of the Saturn V-IVB bulkhead complex part of the third stage of Saturn V. This stage played a critical role in the Apollo mission.
In the 1970 analysis of the design of a critical turbine for the landing of the space shuttle.
In 1983, during a sabbatical year, Head of the Structural Designing and Building Group of a 50 meters diameter steel sphere, containment building of a 500Mw nuclear reactor in the Argentine republic. Patents.3 USA patents.
Books: Co-author, Experimental Mechanics of solids, Wiley, 2012. Co-author, The Old and the New. A narrative of the history of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2018.
Co-editor. Advancement in Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics, Volume 3: Proceedings of 2017 Annual conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, January 2018, Springer. Advancements of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics Vol 3: Conference Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference of the Society of Experimental Mechanics Series. January 2014 Springer. Imaging Methods for Novel Materials and Challenging Applications, Vol 3 Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Springer 2013.
Journal Papers, proceedings, Chapters of Books. More than 430 papers and over 4500 recorded citations:
Awards: SEM, Fellow, Hetenyi, Lazan, Frocht, Theocaris awards. William Murray Lecture and Medal. In 2013 Honorary Membership. 2011 the British Society for Strain Measurement, Fylde Electronic Price for best paper published in Strain in 2010. In 2013, Polytechnic of Bari Life Achievement Award. In 2014 Life achievement Award, International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Changwon, Korea. Life Achievement Award, European Society for Experimental Mechanics, EURASEM, 2016. Lifetime member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and Life Honorary Member of the Italian Association of Stress Analysis.
About Guest Editor: Dr Amalia Martínez-García
Dr Amalia Martínez-García obtained the BS degree in physics from the Facultad de Ciencias Físico-Matemáticas, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (1982), M Sc in Optics at Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, B C (CICESE) (1987) and Ph D in Optics at Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica (CIO) (2001), México. She has been visiting researcher at Universidad de Santiago de Chile (Chile), University of Basilicata (Italia) and University of Utsunomiya (Japan).
In 2002, Dr Amalia became a Titular Researcher at CIO. She had been earlier a researcher at the Department of Optics, Applied Physics Division CICESE in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, from 1987 to 1996.
Dr Amalia is Member of the Mexican Academy of Optics, the International Society of Optomechatronics, the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, and the Optica (Formerly OSA). She has recently been recognized as a senior member at SPIE and Optica (August 2022).
Dr Amalia is currently a member of the National Research System, level 3, one of the greatest recognitions for researchers in Mexico. Her interests in research are in the fields of electronic speckle pattern interferometry, structured light, shearography, interference microscopy and holography. The results of her research are published in 90 papers, most of them in the best scientific journals in field of the optical metrology. She has been the manager or principal investigator of 20 projects, and has collaborated in 22 more research projects. She has recently worked in projects for the Mexican Government.
Dr Martínez-García’s compromise as a teacher and as a researcher is outstanding with a valuable effort in training students and young researchers in Optics. She has been the supervisor of six bachelor degree thesis, 16 Master’s degree thesis and 10 Ph D degree Thesis. She has hosted four postdoctoral stays as well as two sabbatical stays.
Dr Amalia was honored with the Recognition of Excellence in Professional Development, Generation 2010, granted by the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, on September 23, 2010. She had recognition as an advisor for having obtained the best terminal efficiency in directing the master’s thesis in optomechatronics during the period 2009-2013, Optics Research Center, May 23, 2014. She also had recognition for outstanding performance and continuous improvement during the period 2013-2014, Optical Research Center, León, Gto. December 14, 2015.
Dr Amalia had recognition for her outstanding work in the training of human resources and having published the largest number of scientific papers together with postgraduate students during the year 2015, Optical Research Center, May 2016, and Citizen recognition for practicing in an exemplary manner the values of promoting science and technology, León Guanajuato, June 2, 2016.
She has promoted very efficiently the relation of her research group with other laboratories at universities and institutes in Mexico and in other countries by organizing international conferences in Mexico and by attending many international conferences in other countries.
She has been crucial in the development of the RIAO and Optilas conferences in Latin America, being a member of the International Committee in many of them. Dr Martínez was the Co-Chair of the last RIAO conference: X Ibero American Optics Meeting (RIAO) and XIII Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications as well as Mexican Optics and Photonics Meeting, (RIAO-OPTILAS-MOPM 2019) held in Cancun, Mexico in September 2019. Dr Martínez-García was Associate Editor in Suplemento RIAO- Optilas-MOPM 2019, Revista Mexicana de Física and in Vol 59, No 13, 1 May 2020 of Applied Optics, Special Issue for RIAO / Optilas / MOPM 2019.
She has worked very efficiently for the optics and the physics communities in Mexico for the last decade by serving at the leadership of the Mexican Academy of Optics (AMO). In January 2011, she started serving as the AMO’S Executive Secretary of the Mexican Academy of Optics (AMO) for two years, from January 2013 to December 2014 she was AMO’s Vice President and in January 2015 she became the first female President of AMO until the end of 2016.
She strongly participates in Gender actions to promote women in science (Outreach activities). She is co-organizer since its creation (2004) to date, of the Participation of Women in Science meeting that is held every year at CIO in Leon, Mexico. She is the Editor of the proceedings of these conferences. Besides she has also been active at the Mexican Society of Physics as the Representative of Women in Physics Group for the period from September 2006 to December 2010.
She has been a member of SPIE Scholarship Committee from 2012 to 2016, member of the Program committee in Interferometry XX, SPIE Optics + Photonics 2020 and in Interferometry XXI, SPIE Optics + Photonics 2022.
Dr Amalia is currently advisor for the student chapters of SPIE (The International Society for Optics and Photonics) and Optica (formerly OSA) since December 2019. She is a role model for young women in science and recognized and featured in the SPIE Women in Optics planner in the issue 2014-2015. Dr Amalía Martínez was the academic director in 2013-2014 at Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica. She is member of Editorial Board of Asian J Physics (2022).
Asian Journal of Physics
(A Publication Not for Profit)
Volume 31, No 8 (2022)
About Professor Cesar A Sciammarella
About the Guest Editors
Guest Editorial
DIC strain measurement on the full-surface of an artery analogue after stent deployment
K Genovese, A Montes, J A Rayas and Amalia Martínez-García791
Fringe projection technique and liquid penetrant testing for the identification of mechanical discontinuities
Mishraim Sanchez-Torres, José Luis Javier Sánchez-González, Juan Antonio Rayas-Alvarez and Amalia Martínez- García799
Measurement of the optical phase of static and dynamic specimens using four-step method in stages and two simultaneous steps
Erick-Alfonso Quevedo Márquez, Germán Reséndiz-López, Ana-Karen Reyes, Areli Montes-Pérez, Geliztle A Parra-Escamilla, David-I Serrano-García and Noel-Ivan Toto-Arellano807
Linear retardance model for a rotating polarizer-analyzer polarimeter
Geliztle A Parra-Escamilla, Francisco Joel Cervantes-Lozano and David I Serrano-García817
Simultaneous schlieren and shadowgraph visualization of fluid flow using one color CCD camera
A Martinez Gonzalez and D Moreno Hernandez823
Metaheuristic algorithms applied in Optical Metrology: A review
Iosvani Moré, Francisco Cuevas and Julio Jiménez833
Hole-drilling method combined with DSPI: challenges and achievements for residual stress measurements
Matias Roberto Viotti, Filipe Zanini Broetto and Armando Albertazzi (Jr)847
Micro-laser line scanning for micro-scale surface texture analysis based on statistical moments of histogram
J Apolinar Muñoz Rodríguez863
A gaze tracking system based on DLT calibration technique to control mobile robots
Hugo A Morenoa, Hugo A Mendez, Diana C Hernandez, Omar F Loa, Cesar P Carrillo, and Víctor H Flores871
Measurement of frequency response in photodetectors by plastic optical fiber
Héctor H Cerecedo-Núñez, José E Méndez-Cruz and Patricia Padilla-Sosa879
Multiplexing in Shearography
Rajpal S Sirohi885