Category Articles

Tunable focalizers as nonconventional phase filters

Asian Journal of Physics Vol. 30 Nos 8 & 9 (2021) 1277-1282 Tunable focalizers as nonconventional phase filtersCristina M Gómez-Sarabia1, Ángel Sauceda-Carvajal2 and Jorge Ojeda-Castañeda3 Abstract We disclose the use of tunable focusing elements as phase-only spatial filters for designing…

P_Scope® – A virtual polariscope

Asian Journal of Physics Vol. 30 Nos 10 & 11 (2021) 1593-1599 P_Scope® – A virtual polariscopeK Ramesh Abstract P_Scope® is an innovative software that simulates the conventional polariscope using Jones calculus for ten different problems for which closed form…