Editor-in-Chief : V.K. Rastogi

An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal
Frequency : Monthly,
ISSN : 0971 – 3093
Editor-In-Chief (Hon.) :
Dr. V.K. Rastogi
e-mail:[email protected]
[email protected]
AJP | ISSN : 0971 – 3093 Vol 32, Nos 9 – 12, September – December, 2023 |
Journal of Physics
Volume 32 | Nos 9 – 12 | September – December, 2023 |
A Special Issue in honour of Prof Baidyanath Basu
Guest Edited By
Subrata Kumar Datta
Anita Publications
FF-43, 1st Floor, Mangal Bazar, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110 092, India
Contents |
Autobiographic account of my induction and furtherance in research in the area of vacuum electronic devices
Baidyanath Basu415
Determination of Design Parameters of SDV-SWS for a Planar High Power THz-BWO
Vishnu Srivastava425
Design of a 94 GHz PBG-based Multi-beam EIK
Vemula Bhanu Naidu, Dipanjan Gope and Subrata Kumar Datta435
Design and experimental evaluation of Electron Gun and Periodic Permanent
Magnet Focussing Structure of a Ku-Band Space-TWT
A Roy Choudhury, Chirag Mistry, A. Nagaraju, Pawan Pareek, Suneeta Arya and Sanjay Kumar Ghosh443
A Simple and Fast Split-Model Optimization Technique for RF Couplers of Helix Traveling-Wave Tubes
Raktim Guha and Sanjay Kumar Ghosh453
Design and Development of Radiation Cooled Ku-band Space TWT for Satellite Communication
Chirag Mistry, A R Choudhury, A. Nagaraju, Suneeta Arya, Pawan Pareek, and Sanjay Kumar Ghosh
Design of a Simplified Electron Gun without BFE for Linear Beam Tubes
Suneeta Arya, Atmakuru Nagaraju, and Sanjay Kumar Ghosh473
Development and Characterization of Pseudospark Discharge based Plasma Cathode Electron (PD-PCE)
Source for High Density and Energetic e-beam Generation for Pulsed Power Applications
Varun, Akhilesh Mishra, Navin Kumar Sharma, Ram Prakash Lamba and Udit Narayan Pal479
Analysis and characterization of Kr/Cl2 based 222 nm far UV-C excimer source
Surbhi Bidawat, Navin Kumar Sharma, R P Lamba, Mahendra Singh, Alok Mishra, Y Choyal and U N Pal487
Analysis of Non-thermal Atmospheric Pressure Plasma-source based Plasma-activated
Water for Agricultural Application
Priti Pal, Vishali Singh, Navin K Sharma, Mahendra Singh, Alok Mishra, Shivendra Maurya,
Ram Prakash Lamba and Udit Narayan Pal495
Development and Switching Characterization of High Power Pseudospark Switch for Fast Pulsed Power Applications
Akhilesh Mishra, Shikha Misra, Varun, Bharat Lal Meena, Alok Mishra, Abhijit Ravindra Tillu, Ram Prakash Lamba and Udit Narayan Pal503
Development of cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet sources for biomedical application
Navin K Sharma, Priti Pal, Mahendra Singh, Vishali Singh, R Kumar, Alok Mishra, R P Lamba,
Y Choyal and Udit Narayan Pal511
Simulation of high frequency short pulse excitation of co-axial xenon excimer source for generation of 172 nm radiation
Navin K Sharma, Y Choyal, Udit Narayan Pal and Ram Prakash Lamba519
Theoretical investigation on impact ionization of argon gas-filled cavities
Navin Kumar Sharma, Ram Prakash Lamba, Udit Narayan Pal and Y Choyal525
Design and PIC Simulation of a Klystron-like RBWO with Dual Extraction Cavity
Pratibha Verma, V Venkata Reddy and M Thottappan531
Design and Simulation Studies of a Ka-band Two-Cavity Gyro-Twystron Amplifier
V Veera Babu, Shyam Gopal Yadav, Smrity Dwivedi and M Thottappan539
Design and development of a thermally stable dual-anode electron gun for space applications
Ambrish Ghadiya, Ramagiri Santhosh Kumar, Shilpi Soni and Dinesh Kumar Singh545
An S-band metamaterial based high power backward-wave oscillator
Sweta Kumari, Pradip Kumar Jain and Manpuran Mahto553
Sensitivity analysis of a double corrugated waveguide slow wave structure for a 151 – 161.5 GHz TWT*
Jeevan M Rao, Rupa Basu, Rosa Letizia, and Claudio Paoloni 559
Design and development of a sheet-beam electron gun with large current for a THz traveling-wave tube
Xuyuan Chen, Lin Xu, Xiao Sun, Shengkun Jiang, Yasong Fan, Guang Yang, Zhifang Lyu,
Tao Tang, and Zhaoyun Duan573
Development of liquid stub tuner and liquid phase shifter for antenna-plasma impedance matching for high power RF experiments
Raj Singh, Vishant Gahlaut, Joydeep Ghosh, Varun, Mumtaz A Ansari, Amardas Alli and P K Atrey583
Quasi-TEM analysis of coupled meander-line slow-wave structures for millimeter-wave traveling-wave tubes
Murugan Sumathy and Subrata Kumar Datta593
Design and experimental evaluation of variable pulse-width Marx generator
U Shanmuganathan, Saket Khandekar, Sree Lakshmi P V, Sameera Shaik, Manik Kumar Das, and S Senthilkumar601
Analysis and characterization of an octave-bandwidth twin-folded-waveguide slow-wave structure
M Sumathy and Subrata Kumar Datta607
A review on high voltage subsystems for satellite applications: Design criticalities
Christopher Parmar, Vasantray Jani, Rajendra Singh, Shilpi Soni, and Dinesh Kumar Singh615
Large volume plasma device-upgrade: A versatile plasma system for electron emitter, beam and wave based diagnostics
A K Sanyasi, P K Srivastava, Ayan Adhikari, L M Awasthi and R Sugandhi627
Design, development and qualification of permanent magnet based focusing lens for X-band relativistic backward wave oscillator
Mahima, Janvin Itteera, Kumud Singh, Sanjay Malhotra, R R Singh, and Rajesh B Chimurkar639
DC and RF breakdown analysis of a helix TWT
Ramagiri Santhosh Kumar, Ambrish Ghadiya, Shilpi Soni, and Dinesh Kumar Singh649
RF behavior of a second harmonic photonic band gap cavity gyrotron oscillator
Ashutosh Singh, Sandeep Kumar Prasad, Sunil Kumar Mishra, Rajnikant Ratnakar,
Anshu Arya, and Pradip K Jain659
Development of an X-band microwave power module for airborne radar
K Mirjith, Tapas Ranjan Swain, Talur Chanakya, Raja Ramana Rao, U V Chandramouli,
Md Rezaul Karim, Jyotirmoy Koner, S Senthil Kumar, P Sidharthan and Subrata Kumar Datta671