Editor-in-Chief : V.K. Rastogi

An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal
Frequency : Monthly,
ISSN : 0971 – 3093
Editor-In-Chief (Hon.) :
Dr. V.K. Rastogi
e-mail:[email protected]
[email protected]
AJP | ISSN : 0971 – 3093 Vol 32, Nos 5 – 8, May – August, 2023 |
Journal of Physics
Volume 32 | Nos 5-8 | May – August, 2023 |
Special issue in memory of Prof John Sheridan
Guest Edited By : Kehar Singh, Inmaculada Pascual & G Unnikrishnan
Anita Publications
FF-43, 1st Floor, Mangal Bazar, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110 092, India
Asian Journal of Physics
(A Publication Not for Profit)
Volume 32, Nos 5 – 8 (2023)
Holography: More than three-dimensional images
Augusto Beléndez, Sergi Gallego, Andrés Márquez, Manuel Ortuño, Jorge Francés,
Jaume Colomina-Martínez, Guil-lem Nájar and Inmaculada PascualA1
What does optics teach us about myopia?
Brian Vohnsen217
The Sheridan source:A novel coherent illumination source using a time varying
specklefield and a digital micro-mirror device
Damien P Kelly and Unnikrishnan Gopinathan 225
Modeling of images of patterned dielectric layers on a substrate: A review
Colin J R Sheppard237
A review of the contributions by John T Sheridan to the theory of linear canonical transforms
John J Healy, Bryan M Hennelly, and Liang Zhao243
A brief introduction of THz interferometry, confocal, and digital holography
Min Wan 253
Material response and energetic sensitivity of epoxy-based material for volume holography
T Sabel-Grau265
Strategies for maximizing resolution tracking of simple objects with straight edges
David Mas, Julián Espinosa, Jorge Pérez, M Baralida Tomás and Belén Ferrer275
Theoretical study of slanted holographic gratings for application in sensing
Graceson Antony, Dervil Cody, and Izabela Naydenova291
A review of remote photoplethysmography (rPPG): State-of-the-art and future trends
Liang Zhao, Beibei She, Zhiyuan Shu, Xiaoliang Zhu, Zhicheng Dai Zhu Su, and John J Healy303
Diffraction theories for off Bragg replay: J T Sheridan’s seminal work and consequences
Martin Fally319
Holographic Spectroscopy: From Holography to Photochemistry
R F Madrigal and A Fimia325
Modelling photopolymer behavior as optical recording medium
Sergi Gallego, Cristian Neipp, Roberto Fernández, Juan C Bravo, Joan J Sirvent-Verdú, Andrés Pérez-Bernabéu, Inmaculada Pascual and Augusto Beléndez331
Holographic photopolymers applied to biosensing and efficient energy
Inmaculada Pascual, Manuel G Ramírez, Marta Morales-Vidal, Tomás Lloret, Kheloud Berramdane, José Carlos García-Vázquez, Belén Nieto-Rodriguez, and Augusto Beléndez 341
An overview of three-dimensional integral imaging and its extended applications
Inbarasan Muniraj351
Manipulation of self-written waveguides
Derek Cassidy359
Types of structured light beams and their applications in optical cryptography: A review
Allarakha Shikder, Praveen Kumar, Naveen K Nishchal and Kehar Singh369
An asymmetric cryptosystem using deterministic phase masks, double random phase encoding, orthogonal encoding and decoding, and fractional Fourier transform
R Girija, H Singh, and Kehar Singh385
Preservation of communication heritage
Derek Cassidy399